Celebrating 60 Glorious Years: Asian Tigers Singapore's Triumph of Tradition and Innovation

Celebrating 60 Glorious Years: Asian Tigers Singapore's Triumph of Tradition and Innovation

Celebrating 60 Glorious Years: Asian Tigers Singapore’s Triumph of Tradition and Innovation

On the occasion of its 60th birthday, we take a moment to recognize and celebrate the extraordinary achievements of Asian Tigers Singapore’s corporate mothership. A symbol of tradition, innovation, and resilience, Asian Tigers Singapore has become a hallmark of excellence in its industry. Here’s a look at what makes operations in Singapore truly unique.

The Legacy of Kok Chong Dat

Named after its founder, Kok Chong Dat, the company commenced operations in July 1963. Over six vibrant decades, the firm has transformed under the guidance of numerous individuals. Among them, Eric Lim, who joined as a salesman in 1975, emerged as a significant figure. He took control of the business in 1990 and became the majority shareholder in 2002.

A Guiding Light of Talent and Enthusiasm

Asian Tigers Singapore’s success is fueled by its dedicated management team. Robbie Heng, Senior General Manager for Special Projects/Accounts, is a shining example of enduring enthusiasm, having been with the company for 45 years. Alongside him, Senior General Managers Patrick Goh and Kelvin Yap, and Chairman Gordon Bell of the Asian Tigers Group, have all contributed to the company’s growth.

A Culture of Pride and Humility

Managing Director John Lim, Eric’s youngest brother, shares that the company’s strength lies in its people and its strong sense of belonging. Emphasizing an ethos expressed through the acronym HRO, Asian Tigers Singapore has managed to stay ahead through Humility, Resilience, and Optimization.

In a competitive market, being number one in Singapore is a feat achieved through pride and Humility. Asian Tigers Singapore strives to be Hungry for knowledge and success while maintaining a sense of mindfulness towards its people, partners, customers, and supporters.

Resilience and Responsiveness

The ‘R’ in HRO stands for Resilience and Responsiveness. These qualities were tested and proven during the challenging times of COVID, reflecting the company’s ability to adapt in a rapidly changing environment while being Responsible in all actions.

Optimization and Forward Thinking

Lastly, Optimization plays a vital role in ensuring that the team continues to forge ahead. Their unique positioning as an SME among global organizations doesn’t deter them from running ahead, setting benchmarks, and continuously innovating.

A Legacy of Loyalty and Retention

A remarkable 27% of Asian Tigers Singapore’s staff have been with the company for 25 years or more. This loyalty is a testament to the company’s ability to retain staff over decades, an achievement that many strive for but few attain.

Conclusion: 60 Years of Excellence

The Singapore team’s 60-year journey is a story of tradition, innovation, resilience, and success. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to what the future holds for this extraordinary company. The legacy of K.C. Dat is a shining example for all businesses aspiring to excel, innovate, and make a lasting impact.

Here’s to Asian Tigers Singapore and many more years of success and innovation!

Read more about Asian Tigers Singapore in The Mover magazine here.