Asian Tigers sets GHG Reduction Target of 50% by 2035 and net zero GHG emissions by 2050

Carbon management is a key environmental concern among all stakeholders. Decarbonising our world requires a collective, global effort by countries and companies working together. Asian Tigers K. C. Dat (China) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Asian Tigers) is active in both compliance (mandatory) and voluntary carbon offset markets. Asian Tigers takes GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard as guidance and uses GHG Emissions Calculation Tool for GHG inventory report.

Asian Tigers is committed to: continue our efforts to reduce our GHG emissions; conduct risk assessment to safeguard resiliency of our commercial activities; transparently report on our progress, risks and opportunities align with our GHG inventory report; establish criteria to demonstrate meaningful environmental performance and improvement across the lifecycle of our services.

Asian Tigers recognizes responding to climate change as one of its most important management issues. Accordingly, we set annual targets to guide initiatives to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in both our own business and the services we provide. Going forward, we will intensify our activities based on GHG Emissions Vision 2050, a long term vision looking ahead to the year 2050. As part of the Vision’s response to climate change, we aim to achieve a 50% reduction in GHG emissions generated by the year 2035 compared to the year 2020 level and to contribute to realizing a net zero emissions by the year 2050. To fulfill these targets, we will concentrate in our activities on investing in energy-saving equipment such as replace with electricity vehicles and expanding the use of renewable energy (solar energy), while in the area of services we will focus on development of energy technologies to realize decarbonization.

Metrics and Targets: We intend to achieve carbon neutrality throughout Asian Tigers’ entire value chain by the year 2050, as a milestone, we aim to reduce GHG emissions by 50% by the year 2035 compared to the year 2020 level. We set out the following breakdown of GHG reduction target for year 2035 and are promoting related initiatives.

1.Reduce the total of Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 50% by the year 2035 (GHG emissions generated from Asian Tigers’own business activities).

2.Reduce GHG emissions from products and services from other companies in Scope 3. 

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