Well Done at The CAT Walk, Ladies!

Well Done at The CAT Walk, Ladies!

Asian Tigers Singapore proudly embarked on a journey of corporate social responsibility from 21-23 February 2024, by participating in the Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) Walk, a program led by the Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (MYCAT). This initiative reflects our commitment to the conservation of Malaysia’s endangered tigers and their habitats. A dedicated team of six staff members was sponsored to contribute to this noble cause, highlighting Asian Tigers Singapore’s engagement in environmental preservation.

The CAT Walk, held in the Sungai Yu ecological corridor, is designed to combat poaching, one of the major threats to tiger populations. Our team traveled to Merapoh, Pahang, and embarked on a 6-hour hike, vigilant for traps and snares, maintaining vital camera traps, and simply by their presence, deterring poachers. The expedition concluded with a reforestation effort, planting saplings vital for wildlife sustainability. This initiative not only supports tiger conservation but also strengthens our collective responsibility towards our planet.

For more insights into the CAT Walk initiative and how to get involved, visit the SWAG and MYCAT websites.

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